Be a David Against the Giant”s

Why are we fighting each other? We should not be. We should be united. The enemy is winning and it is not either side.

We need to join together and fight the real enemy.

We are facing a giant. Where is David? We have many giants and they are standing back waiting on us to destroy each other.

The giants are whispering in ears on one side then going to the other and proclaiming it loud. It never stops. It may quieten for a day or two and things settle, but then it flares back up.

Why should they destroy us when we can do it on our own?

It is all propaganda. Both sides spewing lies, hate, and unrest. Neither side willing to give an inch.

This is not about Biden or Trump, this is not about, who got the vaccine and who did not, this is not politics, not jealousy, it is greed. MONEY pure and simple. It is CONTROL. It is GOOD verses EVIL.

Until the giants pushed and pushed the people were getting along. Maybe not peaceful, but there was not so much hatred.

For one day search for peace. Cut off the news. Bypass covid and vaccine meme’s. BREATHE. LAUGH. Talk to someone that you have not spoken to since this all started.

Talk to Father. He is the only Healer. The only way that will happen is if we join together, turn from our wicked ways, shake someone’s hand. Smile at someone, wave. Let peace enter your heart.

For just a bit forget Covid, the vaccine, someone with a different view. I could care less if you have taken the jab. I could care less if you have money. I could care less what you look like.

I am tired of this constant bickering. How easy it was for the giants to manipulate us. A house divided.

We will fall and when we do we will fall hard. Peace. We need peace. We are not only destroying ourself but our children, also.

God gave us everything we need, but we wanted more. We just had to have more.

Slow down. Think about what we are doing. We know right from wrong. Let it be. Let people do what they are led to do.

We need to be the David’s and go after the giant’s not after each other. And the giant’s? Who are they? No, not the politicians, well they do whisper, but they are not the biggest threat.

The GIANT’S are the MEDIA. They run stuff into the ground. Never let up, never stop. Their voices reach over the entire world.

In order to be David’s we have to gather. Preach it, people. Turn them off. Cut their ratings.

But the main thing…PRAY. Talk to the one that loves. Talk to the one that can SAVE us. Talk to HIM. HE will always make a way.

I love y’all. PEACE.

Cynthia Clark