Good morning, Saturday. The month is flying by. It is already October 23, 2021. I usually sleep late on Saturdays and after going to bed at 5:00A.M. it would make sense to still be asleep. I have no idea why I am not. I have been up since 7:45. Well, not up but awake. I took Thorn for a walk. Such a beautiful crisp cool morning here in the mountains. Maybe that is why I woke up so early. There are no clouds in the sky, but there is a plane flying. There is also a buzzard flying around. I was trying to get a picture of it but no matter how I turned, the sun was in my eyes. It is hard to take pictures with one hand and the other on a dog lead. Lol. I am getting used to it but sometimes when I focus he jerks and bam the picture is blurry. I know I can sneak out and take pictures but he would be heartbroken. He loves going for walks. Maybe someday he will have a fenced yard to run and play in. He is a good dog though,(most of the time). He is pretty clingy. He hates when I have to go to work. I think I got a little sidetracked, but maybe not. I want to thank Jesus for this beautiful day, for the sunshine, the birds that fly, and the ones that do not. I am thankful for the blue sky, and clouds. I am thankful for the life He has given me. I do not have much in material possessions, but maybe that makes me appreciate nature more. Love. Jesus loves us all, can we do any less? I love y’all. Remember when you go vote write in Jesus as a candidate. It is a thought anyway. Spread the word. Have a fantastic day. Laugh a little and smile a lot. Peace.#voteJesus#seekpeace#loveJesus#Jesuslovesus