Love and be loved. I asked someone what he wanted for Christmas last night. He said world peace. I told him I could not get him that, though I try everyday. That is a task that alludes me, but I will continue that cause. It is a worthy cause. In order to do that you have to have Jesus in your life. Father is so amazing but you have to know Him or you would not understand.
I know there are some that do not celebrate Christmas, but I do so I will say Merry Christmas. You do not have to say it back. The spirit has struck me this year more than any other year. Oh, not the present buying but the feeling it in my soul kinda thing. Peace and joy followed by lots of love. Smiles from the heart, not just the lips. It is hard to describe the way I feel.  Do something that makes your heart smile. Thank God for being alive, but most of all love each other. Peace my lovelies