Armor of God

“Good morning, time to rise,” I raise up to His Royal presence,

A night of sleep, my morning stretch was indeed pleasant.

Prayer always the first morning talk with an amazing love,

Added with a slight touch from Jesus Christ, salvation from above.

Time to put on my armor, I must be about my day,

And I prayed fiercely this awesome feeling had come to stay.

I wanted to shout hallelujah, Glory to God, my hope, my strength,

I think He is pleased with me with a loud shout and an Amen.

Okay, so most think I talk to myself, and my gestures are out of place,

Oh, but if you only knew how that is not the case.

It is He, that I speak to He that my arms reach for,

He is my Lord and Savior, and His mercy gives me so much more.

It is time to enter the evil world that I must face today,

Satan always appears and I am quite often his tempting prey.

The armor of God I must wear, keeping it at all times,

The helmet of salvation protects my impressionable mind.

The buckler of truth gird about my loins, my words truthfully said,

I wish no lies to flow as I follow where I am led.

Putting on my shoes, I feel the gospel of peace,

Closing my eyes, I feel the love and prayer being released.

A hard task this as I raise my shield of faith up high,

“Protect me, Father, from the evil one, the speaker of all lies.”

The day awaits. My movements swift, sure, and strong,

My heart beats happily as a breath of wind plays a song.

Jesus is with me this I know for I can feel the love as it flows.

© Cynthia Clark

#armorofGod #helovesme #Jesusisreal #haveloveinyourheart
