Chapter 35

Flat noses, red bloodshot eyes; you could barely catch a glimpse from the droopy lids. They had only a few tendrils of hair, their skin was almost an ivory white, and their teeth (If you could call them that) had a slight greenish tint. Their clothes hung in tatters, and they walked in a stooped manner.

As they moved forward toward us, I got a better look at them. Their teeth were jagged and sharp like shards of glass. Froth dripped from their lips. One had a piece of dried meat hung between the edges, and it really looked to be raw.

Ten maybe? Hero and I could probably handle it. I do not think Tom has ever fought, and I bade Johnny and Adam remain in the wagon. They needed to survive; they were the future.

They rushed us. To be in the condition their bodies held they were quick. In no time at all they were upon us. It was to close in for the bow and arrows, so I had my machete striking anything in my path. Hero was cornered as well and slashing as I did.

Tom and Adam grabbed Nessie, Billy, and the kid and put them inside the wagon for safety. They would not have a chance to fight off the swarm, or whatever they were called. That was one worry off my mind, I would not have to watch out for them as well.

One of them came from behind and I felt its long, jagged nails attach themselves to my arm. Its nails were hung into my skin. Finally, it got loose and had a small strip of my skin which it tasted. It really went into a frenzy then. I remember going down, my arm bleeding, and the creature on top of me. It was going for my throat and I was holding it off trying to get the machete at an angle to attack, when Bane jumped, knocking it off me.

Bane struck like a wild animal (which he was) sharpened fangs tearing chunks from the creature. He had a taste of blood now and he was after all the creatures. Soon they were defeated and Tom jumped from the wagon with his doctoring kit.

Antiseptic and bandage, I was ready to go. Hero had a long gash down the side of his face, and I could tell the antiseptic burnt. He bit his lip to keep from yelping, and I tried not to smile. Tom said it would probably scar and Hero frowned at that, but me, I loved that man so much he always looked good.

The dark shadow that had come over me was gone now, so I thought the danger was over. Upon the road we moved again, except for a wagon going west, we were moving east. Through the night we traveled and by morning we were nearing our little town.

And that got me thinking, our town needed a name. Though I would travel near and far, I would always return. This was where I had awakened after the cleansing, this is where I came back after the farm, and this is where I came after the cave.

Even now I felt like I was coming home.

Chapter 36

The wolves were baying, but not an angry bay. They knew it was us. They were welcoming us back home.

There was a lot of activity going on. Curtis was tending the garden, Ellie was putting food on the table, and Mark, along with a man I did not know his name was building a box inside the ground.

The wagon came to a stop and everyone ran to greet us. I felt so alive, so loved. I introduce Tom, Adam, and Johnny to the town’s folk. Morris, Adam, and Johnny were close to the same age, and they were chattering up a storm. When Morris discovered the animals, he was so excited. he was the animal tender, that was his passion.

Everyone was excited over the animals. Ellie was already thinking of breakfast, fresh eggs, and milk for the whole town.

The underground box was actually a cooling box. A side was partitioned off to keep things cool without getting wet, and the other side held the water to keep drinks and things cool. The sidewalk had been extended, more wooden chairs had been built, and a small house was started.

Hero and I were informed that it was our house, and when we went on our travels and returned it would be a place to lay our heads.

Hero and I walked the town hand in hand greeting everyone. Tom, Adam, and Johnny were doing the same. Morris had the animals settled and brought the wolves in. None here feared the wolves anymore for they knew they protected the people of the town.

Elvin ran up to us and Mark was not so far behind.

“Welcome home, Hero and Lady. We have missed you.” Mark handed me a bouquet of flowers. They were not real, but it did not matter, they were beautiful. Thank you, Mark, I will treasure them. Elvin spoke, “We hope you do not mind. We settled on a name for the town, but if you do not like it, we can change it.

They had grabbed some spray paint from the store and were in the process of painting a sign. New Beginnings; a perfect name. Yes, I liked it.

The old woman’s eyes were on me I could feel them. She walked to me and grabbed my hand. Shivers upon my body, and a deep voice echoed my mind. “Cindy, I am coming for you.”

I took a deep breath and ignored it.

I survived the cleansing. God had been good to us. I had a good man, good friends, and I was home. New Beginnings. Yes, a perfect name.

© Cynthia Clark