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Hebrews 8:13 In that He saith “a new covenant,” He hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

If we put the ten commandments back in school you will be undoing everything Jesus died for. the ten Commandments were the law of Moses. Jesus was the law of Moses. He died fulfilling the law so God could bring in the New Covenant, which is also Jesus. If you look in your bible and read His words in red, you will see this:

Matthew 22:36-40
King James Version
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

We have never been able to follow the ten commandmnts. That is why we have Jesus.

God said Hebrews 8:7 For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

8 For finding fault with them, He saith, “Behold, the days come,” saith the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah—

9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, because they continued not in My covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.

10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord: I will put My laws into their minds and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to Me a people.

11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest.

12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.”

13 In that He saith “a new covenant,” He hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.

Jesus has set His kingdom in heaven. Children of God will someday be with Him there, but we are here now. His Kingdom is spiritual, not earthly. There are many verses in the Bible to back that up. There will not be an earthly reign.

Luke 17:19-23
King James Version
19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: {COMETH NOT WITH OBSERVATION}

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. {IS WITHIN YOU}

22 And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it.

23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them.

Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, Jerusleum, the world ended.

He warned His disciples that it was coming. His words in Matthew 24 after talking to His disciples and telling them what was to come, He ended it with the words “34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” And that generation was 40 years {THIS GENERATION}

Luke 21:31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled. Again {THIS GENERATION}

33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

You should read the whole chapter. Several verses say THIS GENERATION. That means Jesus’ generation. The tribulation, persecution, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, etc. If you read your history it all happened in that generation. It will happen again and again. As Soloman said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” History repeats itself.

The Roman army carried an eagle flag as an insignia. When the bible said a gathering of eagles it would be the Roman army gathering to slaughter christians.

25 But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. {THIS GENERATION}

26 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.

27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;

29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

31 In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.

32 Remember Lot’s wife.

33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.

35 Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

37 And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.

Again the words this generation. 25 But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation.

He ended the world in 70 A.D. Not end as everyone expected, but ended the world as they knew it. The destruction of Jerusalem was their ending. It made the way for a new beginning. A new world. The beginning of the New Covenant: The ending of the law and the beginning of the new church.

The Bible is a History book about Jesus and the New Covenant. It has been fulfilled and He says it also. All prophecies have been complete.

We are the temple. There will no temple be built. Several times they have tried to build one and each time it was destroyed. Remember Jesus is the Cornerstone.

As for the trumpets and shouts that also came with the destruction of Jerusalem. According to the angel He will come back as he left.
6When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 7And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Acts 1
9And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Quickly and quietly. No fanfare, blaring horns, etc. No specific time. The Kingdom of Heaven, New Jerusalem on high.

The rise and fall of many empires have come and gone. Will we be around for the fall of America?

© Cynthia Fender Clark

Illusion of Darkness

Forward into the shadows deeper I drown,
The murky darkness, laughter never to be found.
My soul cries. Painful memories only an illusion left behind,
Only an emptiness. Desolate, so cold, a void in my mind.

The voices they call from far away. Echo’s of
Thoughts retreat,
Give up, just give up, they rage, wallow pitifully in your defeat.
There is no hope, no way out, a captive of a darkened soul,
I can show you. I can easily take control.

But wait. Another voice powerful and true,
A bright lights glow,
Peace. Soft words. Words of love and hope flow.
I love you. Oh, how I love you. Come. Take my hand, hold tightly. Follow me,
He pulled me from the darkness and my soul’s light shines freely.

@Cynthia Clark

Some people think that just because I post a prayer for Palestinians that I am for them. Evidently you did not see or did not care to see my other posts. I pray for both sides, soldiers and innocent alike. I am not on anyone’s side.

The war does not concern me. I am not over there to know what is going on except many are being wounded and killed. There is nothing I can do but pray. I will not go over there and fight with them and I will not fight with people over here who is right and who is wrong.

I do not believe in war. The only one that comes out to the good are governments and their counterparts.
War is about greed and money. Y’all choose sides if you wish. Follow the masses. Start your own war against each other.
This is man’s war, not mine. I follow Jesus and I know He can handle this without my help. My job is to talk about how mighty and powerful HE is and how peace is love. Not get people divided on a war no one wins.
War is from Satan. Death and destruction are from Satan. I will not say yay Israel nor yay Palestine. I will say prayers for both that have fallen under the convictions of evil.
No he said she said or they started it. No they did, back and forth. They are puppets in a bigger picture.
My God is a powerful God. He is long suffering. When He is ready He will deal with the problem at hand.
He has destroyed Jerusalem once. As Jesus said in the bible He made it desolate. There was nothing left. Not even the wall.
Be careful for how long will He put up with us the (United States) before we become as desolate as Sodom and Gomorrah, or Jerusalem.
I love y’all ,
Cynthia Clark

Forgiven Not Forgotten

I’ll pass the memories I need them no more,
I never knew what I needed them for.
They are not forgotten nor could I if I tried,
They have brought much pain many tears I’ve cried.

Forgiven is the suffering the heartache and pain,
The drowning of sorrows in a midsummer’s rain.
The death of laughter a heart aches smile,
The pain always deadens after a little while.

So, keep the memories lock them up tight,
Maybe I should not pass them just bring them to light.
I am me. No other can take my place for I am unique,
I am love, I am laughter, I am the peace you seek.

© Cynthia Clark

The Devils Pawn

He comes forth willing to steal your soul,
Evil laughter follows you to the pits below.
Too late , the darkness overpowers your mind,
And the screams as you leave your sanity behind.

But you know it was not supposed to be like this,
Drugs revenge, lusting of sin, devils kiss.
Shrugging your shoulders saying Heaven can wait,
But you were wrong, now it is too late.

A raging fire, hot embers cast forth in the furious flames,
Death’s screams, but only yourself to blame.
You try to escape, but the fire holds you tight,
Burning flesh, smell of death, you lose the fight.

A tear from Heaven such a glowing light,
And you reach and reach, but it is now out of sight.
You have given your soul to the one who deceives,
When all it took was to have faith in Jesus, believe.

Scream. It does not matter your soul is gone,
Cry. It does not matter your heart is alone.
Waking up, a whiskey bottle by your bed,
What a nightmare. You are really not dead.

Do you drink from the bottle or throw it away?
Do you run for the light, or in darkness stay?
You are given another chance to live,
And if you only ask God, He will forgive.

© Cynthia Clark

My Greatest Love

He controls the shadow of death,
The soul in its last breath.
The heart that beats it’s one last thump,
The urge to go on when you have had enough.

A whisper that speaks He is always near,
An I love you interrupting your greatest fear.
Peace be still as tears tumble from my sight,
A steady vigil as I lay my head at night.

Near the heart silence sets the tone,
And I wonder why He left me alone.
But then that love that over runs my heart,
And I know we will never be apart.

Never did He leave my side only a yes, it is true,
I tell Him, now I know I cannot make it without you.
He is mine and I am His, a love together
Jesus my Lord, and Savior, I will love You, forever.

@Cynthia Clark (Forestsflame)

Realities Nightmares

She stands so quietly overlooking the bluff,
Darkened shadows appear and she looks up.
And wishes she hadn’t. She eyes the twisting clouds as the fog rolls
For you see destinies nightmare is about to begin.

In the midst shrouded in clouds, he appears,
On a coal-black steed, he rides, this demon of her fears.
The clouds swirl twisting, turning, his face becomes dense
Black eyes filled with hostile rage his stare so intense.

Long black hair, feathered as a ravens wings,
Cheekbones, decayed and sunken, beyond compare with anything.
So muscular and strong, tall in height,
Sitting upon his steed in the armor of a black knight.

Grasping the clouds and as one they moved,
The echoing beat of thundering hooves.
She wanted to run, she tried to escape,
Yet she was frozen by the emotional hatred upon his face.

Then the blood. It eased down his face massive streaks of crimson red,
Within an instant, she knew that he was dead.
But no he did not fall he continued on,
Slashing and cursing, fighting the battle alone,

And in the distance thunder crashed and shards of glassy lightning hit the air.
And what came before was nothing to replicate the newly awakened nightmare.
Currents of wind, gusts ripping the clouds. To shreds.
And merging in between a battle between the undead.

Swords of steel clashing sparks catching the breeze,
A lusty battle cry and an armored knight falls to his knees.
So many demons, evil that failed to die,
Eons, ages and centuries peaceful souls had passed them by.

She screamed and screamed as terror struck her throughout,
Such ghostly apparitions in the sky lurking about.
A bodiless head rolled over and over again, and again, and again,
Spattering of blood as he tried to capture it within his hands.

And the pirate. Was it Black beard, or some others ghost?
Wisps of gray smoke flew from his eyes as flames of fire tumbled from
his throat.
A bellow of rage a curse beyond death,
So intense this heat that flew from his breathe.

A jagged scar ran the length of his boned cheek,
A booming voice echoed as another began to speak.
Die ye hellish misfits, death to ye all,” No sooner said than a
sailor began to fall
Though he was skeletal in form, he had brass and buttons adorned.

They hung rather limply upon his fleshless arms, it’s a wonder they held as they did,
But just as she thought death had took him he floated backward and behind a cloud he hid.
A mournful moan a dead soul crying out in pain,
Throughout the sky, the rattling of bones rang.

Screams and curses the likes she had never heard,
So violently imparted so clear their every word.
So many, so many, a rage of blood throughout the clouds,
Then of a sudden echo of a chant said aloud.

“Go back to hell from whence you came,
It has carried century through century I tire of this game
Go ye and put your souls to peace,
This age-old bloodletting, for eternity’s master, should cease.”

Quite now. Silence. As if they knew he spoke the truth,
She stood awe-stricken as he came into her view.
The golden sun appeared, the storm no longer raged,
On a white stallion sat the mightiest of warriors, in his hand a golden cage.

As he eased the door open two snow-white doves were released,
The symbol of love, the symbol of hope, aye and the symbol of peace.
His transparent figure slowly faded from sight,
And all that remained of her nightmare was the golden rays of light.

The sparkle of the waterfall lulled her to sleep; relieved it was
only a nightmare
He held her in his arms soothing her telling her how much he cared.
Her terror eased through his words of love,
Reality hit it was no nightmare in an oak tree sat two white doves.

Searching For My Love


“Catch me, catch me if you can,”

Then she stuck her tongue out and ran.

She knew he would catch her, he always did,

Only because she let him, after all, he was her best friend.


No one knew she could not tell,

He was a runaway, and only twelve.

It was olden times, way back when,

You wouldn’t believe the things he had seen, the places he had been.


Until he met her, red hair, sun-kissed flames,

Freckled face, Cassie was her name.

A year had passed, and he found himself still here,

He had forgotten he was hunted, forgotten his fear.


So, maybe she was just a year younger,

But her tears, tore at his heart when that bee had stung her.

That’s when they first really met,

A day that he would never forget.


He had watched her for well over a week,

Afraid to face her, afraid to speak.

She came daily to pick berries, and fresh flowers for her table,

Sometimes he would get really brave, and sneak over the hill towards her stable.


Then it happened. A swarm of bees, disturbed in the bush,

Her screams and cries, as he gave her a push.

She landed in the pond, the water cold as ice,

But perhaps that is how she only got stung twice.


She came up hair in her eyes, and sputtering,

Then as the chill hit, she went to shuddering.

He wrapped his shirt around her and held her till she was warm,

And swore he would always keep her safe from harm.


He was eighteen now, and a tear slipped from his eye,

But he swore it was only dirt, cause men didn’t cry.

Where was she now, did she remember him at all?

Did she remember burying each other in the leaves during the fall?


Her mother and father passed away, winter of her twelfth year,

And for the next week, she didn’t appear.

He finally got the nerve to check things out,

Her cabin was deserted, there was no one about.


“No,” He screamed,”Cassie, where can you be?”

“How could you leave without telling me?”

“I will find you, I have to. Somehow, someway”

And still, he searched even today.


He found a letter, but he couldn’t read,

He had never been taught, and until now, didn’t see the need.

Now it was high time he learned.

Cassies aunt from out East come and got her.


But where out East, he searched and searched with no clues,

He didn’t know what else to do.

He couldn’t give up, no, he wouldn’t. They would meet again,

He loved her, his very best friend.


He had women over the years, more than just a few,

But none would ever compare to Cassie, this he knew.

How did she get under his skin?

He smiled through his tears, as he remembered her crooked grin.


His horse was tired, time to camp for the night,

He built up a fire, thought he better eat a bite.

As he lay under the stars, moon shining, and summers heat,

He sighed. Without Cassie, he wasn’t complete.


Part 2


“But Auntie, please I can’t leave. This is my home.”

“You little brat, you can’t stay here alone.”

I don’t like it no more than you do,

But your Grandpa James sent us to get you.”


So Cassie was finally told the real story,

Her mother had been disowned, and now her dad was sorry.

He was a wealthy plantation owner in the Carolinas,

His was the best, there was none finer.


Cassandra, Cassie’s mother, fell in love with a man of no means,

All he had was the clothes on his back and empty dreams.

Couldn’t give her the finer things in life,

But still, Cassandra insisted on becoming his wife.


They eloped, and consummated the marriage,

And to beat it all took Grandpas carriage.

So romantic Cassie thought, a lovers tale,

But Grandpa had wished them both, straight to hell.


He washed his hands of his daughter and her new husband,

And years later he was still cursing them.

But as he grew older, he thought of her all the time,

Because she had been his little darlin, the apple of his eye.


She wrote him a letter when Cassie was born,

So what? It didn’t matter, he had sworn.

But still, over the years, he had often wondered what she was like.

And now, here she was, and such a sweet little tyke.


That had been five years ago, and today she turned seventeen.

The Belle of the Balls, every man’s dream.

But she wasn’t happy, and she wouldn’t tell him why.

At times he would catch her staring at the stars, then she would cry.


It was time for her to marry, several had asked for her hand,

But she didn’t seem to care for any one man.

Well, there was plenty of time, it would be her choice,

Tonight at her party, there would be some new boys.


Jason Tyler’s son was coming home from his London season,

And all the ladies swore he was quite pleasing.

Golden hair, eyes of blue, a dark tan,

“Yes,” He thought, “All the ladies think he’s a quite handsome man.”


He knew Cassie would catch his eye, there was no doubt,

He would probably even escort her about.

In his will, he had left everything to his granddaughter,

And she had two rooms full of things he had bought her.


Still, she was unhappy, and he didn’t know what to do,

Her Auntie, suggested she visit her soon.

But did Cassie want to? That was the question

He told her he would think about her suggestion.


Perhaps it would be best for her to go away,

But he so much wanted her to stay.

Cassie was his favorite, but then, wasn’t she everyones?

As she topped the stairs he announced,”Ah, here she comes,”


All eyes turned towards the stairs, watching, waiting,

All the men anticipating.

She smiled on the outside, but held her tears in,

Her grandfather took her hand, and a waltz began.


So long the night, so mournful her soul,

She felt so lost but tried so hard to maintain control.

She danced, and danced, but could find no peace.

She felt as if she lost her love when she moved East.


Jason Tyler’s son, James, was all he claimed to be,

But deep down, Cassie sensed something eerie.

She shivered inside as he took her hand,

And led her into the night’s last dance.


His smile did not reach his eyes, there was something she could not 


It was if he was playing some kind of game.

He scared her, why she did not know,

But she felt relief when an hour later he announced he had to go.


The rest of the night she looked over her shoulder,

Where was her love? Oh, how she wished he were her to hold her.

If only Dustin were here she would be alright,

She wouldn’t be scared as long as he held her tight.


Her party was finally over, she kissed grandpa goodnight,

Thanked him for the party, went to her room, cut out the light.

She walked out onto the balcony, gazed up at the full moon,

Cried herself to sleep, slept until noon.


At last, he found her. He knocked on the door,

He was kind of nervous, what if she didn’t care about him anymore?

Well he had to know, didn’t he? He would finally get to see her again,

The love of his life, his best friend.


“I’m here to see Cassie, I knew her out west,”

I heard she was your guest.”

“Miss Cassie is not here sir, she’s visiting her aunt in the country,

And will not be back till a month from today.”


He felt the knife twist in his heart worse than before,

And knew he was back to searching once more.

Would he ever find her? Maybe they weren’t meant to be.

Perhaps it was time to give up, and he turned to leave.


“Hold young man,” Dustin stopped and turned.

Grandpa James reacted as if he had been burned.

He saw the young man’s face, “No, it could not be,”

He had been dead since the age of three.


“Are you alright sir?” Asked Howard the doorman,

Then he also looked closer at the young man before him.

Surprise, shock, he hardly ever showed emotion,

But he had been with Grandpa James forever and he held his devotion.


He knew all his friends, family, and all their untold tales,

And this one would not bode well.

It was impossible, but there could be no other,

James Tyler’s long lost little brother.


They swore he was dead, even had a grave,

It was said slaves beat him, been too bad to save.

His mother went completely insane,

And John, to this day, felt he was to blame.


“Come in, boy, come In have a seat.”

Would you like something to drink, or perhaps to eat?”

“A drink would be nice sir if you don’t mind,

Been in the saddle since half past nine.”


Grandpa James rang the bell, and Annie brought a tray,

She took one look at the boy and began to pray.

She had been with the family forever,

And after his death helped hold the family together.


But he wasn’t dead, he was alive,

And sitting here before her very eyes.

Land sakes what was going on?

Blessed be, little Dustin Tyler found his way home.


Dustin was getting nervous as the minutes flew by,

They seemed to care about him, but why?

Perhaps Cassie told about him,

But no, they acted like he should know them.


“Sir, I am so sorry to bother you, but I am Cassie’s best friend,

Perhaps I should leave and when she returns visit again.”

“Nonsense, my boy. You are welcome to stay.”

“In fact, I received a letter from Cassie’s aunt today.”


“I haven’t even read it yet, there hasn’t been time,”

Any friend of hers is a friend of mine.”

“Would you excuse me for a moment, there is something I need to do?”

“Certainly sir, I’ll wait here for you.”


Howard left the room with Grandpa James,

Annie still stared. Why were they acting so strange?

“Excuse me, sir,” She said, and finally left,

And here he was, once again by himself.


Grandpa James returned, a quite friendly old man,

But as the hours flew by, he finally began to understand.

John Tyler showed up, at Grandpa James request,

And was completely shocked by his newly arrived guest.


“Dustin?” “But how can it possibly be?”

“They told us you were dead. Died at the age of three.”

“They wouldn’t let us look upon your body, you were beat so bad,”

“Drove your mother quite mad.”


“How do you know, I’m who you claim me to be?”

“Quite simple my boy, that slight star-shaped birthmark on your 


“All the Tyler men have one,”

“As did both of my son’s.”


So now, Dustin finally knew where he really belonged,

He still felt the bite of the lash from Carl Long.

So Carl wasn’t his father, he felt relief,

Relief? No more, he actually felt free.


He couldn’t wait till Cassie found out,

She still cared, after talking to Annie he had no more doubts.

He heard of her sadness, and the tears she cried.

“Soon Cassie,”He whispered, “I’ll kiss the tears from your eyes.”


“No, this cannot be,” Said Grandpa James, “I do not understand,”

“Cassie would inform me before she married, any man.”

Dustin felt his world crumble, oh, such torment he felt,

Worse, than the lash upon his back, worse even than the leather belt.


Searching For My Love Part 4


“Why did I come here, she has always hated me?”

“I should have known she had something devious up her sleeve.”

Cassie tried the door one more time,

Even though she knew it was bolted from the outside.


“Oh what a fool you are,”

She had tried to run but didn’t get far.

The salty tears burned her face in patches,

Where her aunt’s claws had left scratches.


She still felt the broken ribs and the bruises on her back,

From the heated anger of the attack.

She could hardly walk from her injured knee,

Where James had slammed her against the tree.


How could she even think to marry someone so cruel?

Why did her grandpa even want her too?

When she received his letter and began to read,

She found it so hard to believe.


“It is at my insistence that you marry James,

When you join, your children will carry both families names.

The bloodline will carry on,

And the power of both families will remain strong.”


It just did not sound like grandpa, no indeed it didn’t,

So where did she fit in?

The more she thought, the letter from grandpa was a fake,

He swore what he did to mama was a mistake.


Besides he hadn’t wanted her to even come on this journey,

And she knew that he had worried.

“Oh no, Did they send him a letter?”

Oh if they did I hope he knows better”


“But wait, if he knows I am to marry, he will come,

And stop this farce, before it has begun.

She cried herself to sleep but the nightmares did not come,

Instead, she dreamed of her lost love, Dustin.


part 5


“Settle down boy, let’s talk this through.”

“I know her better than you do.”

She wouldn’t marry without telling me,

Something’s wrong here, can’t you see?”


“None of the boys around have caught her eye,

Though all of them have tried,

And the night of her party, she was afraid of James,

At the time I thought it strange.”


“No, no, no, no, no, let me go,

There is something all of you should know.”

“My God Marge, how did you get away,”

“No Jason, it’s okay, let her stay.”


The woman in question had been a beauty at one time,

Of course, that had been before she lost her mind.

Now she looked like an empty shell,

Escaped from the pits of hell.


As she went to take a seat she saw her son,

And she hugged him in front of everyone.

She had been locked in her room since his death,

“Oh my God, he’s alive,” She said.


Tears once started she could not stop them,

And she just kept looking at him.

And at that moment she actually looked sane,

The Marge of old, once again.


“Sit everyone, there is something you should all know,”

“In order to help Cassie, we all have to go,”

“No,” She held her hand up to stop the protest,

“I have quite a bit to confess.”


“We cannot allow Cassie to marry James, even if he loved her”

You see, he is her brother.”

Shock went through the crowd gathered there,

No, she was still mad, and they all stared.


“No, please listen to my story”

“Jason, I am really sorry.

You had been gone for such a long time,

It was not love or anything, just to much wine.”


“Grandpa James it was before he and Cassandra met,”

For such a long time I tried to forget.

He never knew he had a son,

And I never told anyone.”


“Well Marge, explain the Tyler birthmark,

“Quite simple Jason, it’s a tattoo of a star.

It isn’t real, it’s a fake,

It is one that I had Old Davy make.”


Everyone turned to look at Dustin then,

And Marge looked at him with a heartwarming grin.

“Yes he is a real Tyler, he is your son,”

She hugged him once again and said,” Welcome home.”


“Now, we have to help Cassie escape,

For she is in trouble, make no mistake.”

James is evil, and Mae is as well,

I have heard so many secrets, no one thought I could tell.”


At this moment Jason thought he could forgive his wife anything,

She looked so alive again, his son was home, later he would worry what tomorrow would bring.

Dustin seethed inside though as time went by,

If Cassie was hurt, someone would die.


He heard her scream, felt her pain, he woke in a sweat,

That was one nightmare he would love to forget.

But he couldn’t. Sleep would not come,

And when the others woke, they realized he had left before the 

morning sun.


Part 6


She screamed, over and over it played in his mind,

He just prayed he would get there on time.

They had hurt her, somehow he knew,

He already knew what he was going to do.


Nearer and nearer to his goal,

His love, his heart, his soul.

It had taken a lifetime, but he was near,

And last night, he had felt her fear.


She had also called his name through her tears,

Soon he would have his Cassie, after all these years.

At last, he reached his destination,

And looked in total frustration.


Three stories tall, so many rooms,

How would he find her, the house was so huge?

A scream tore through the morning,

And she crashed on the balcony without warning.


“I’ll jump, I swear I will leave me be,

If I die, you get nothing from me.”

She’s right Mae, it’ll just be a waste of time,

Come, I have something else in mind.”


Dustin could not hear what was being said,

And he looked at the balcony in dread.

No, Cassie, he prayed silently,

I’m here to set you free.


While they were occupied with her he snuck in the front door,

And hid as they came down the stairs to the first floor.

He wanted to kill them both where they stood,

But right now, that wouldn’t do any good.


James and Mae, left through the side door,

And Dustin rushed up to the third floor.

He took the butt of his pistol and broke the lock,

Those two weren’t really that smart.


It was an old lock almost rusted in too,

And as he opened the door, Cassie’s bruised face came into view.

As he took her in his arms and felt her tears,

He swore he would make up for all their lost years.


There was no time now though for he heard them come,

And pulled Cassie behind him as he held his gun.

Oh how he wanted to kill those two,

But he couldn’t do it in cold blood, and that he already knew.


As they walked through the door he thought they would strike,

But they had his mother in front, and his father at their side.

 Maniacal laugh come from deep in Jame’s throat,

To him, this was all fun and games, one big joke.


Searching For My Love 7


“So little brother you still live.”

Thought Carl would have had you killed.”

Mae laughed at some secret the two shared,

Carl had loved young boys and she was dying to ask how he fared?


So now it was all coming about,

And it was high time that they all found out.

Mae was one sick lady,

And took right to James when he was a baby.


Still, none of it made sense, was it money, need,

Madness or greed? Seemed like a combination of all,

But Dustin was determined to cause their downfall.


How was he to protect Cassie, his mother, and his father,

And to beat it all protect them from his brother?

If he could just stall for time, think of a plan,

It would have been so easy against one woman and a man.


But now two more hostages, and family at that,

This had to be as bad as it could get.

But he couldn’t be more wrong,

Because James was getting nervous this was taking too long.


He grabbed his mother by the hair of the head,

And swore if he didn’t give over Cassie, she was as good as dead.

He could see the fear in her eyes, feel her pain,

And for a moment he was afraid that once again she would go insane.


Part 8


Marge was shaking but not from fear,

Anger that they took her son away from here.

James had always been troubled and mean

Crazy from the start so she believed.


How could a seven- year old be so cruel,

And Mae, she was such a fool.

She really wasn’t an aunt, no relation,

But had always been near ready for any situation.


And now she thought to destroy them all,

Only one chance, she prepared to fall.

As she went down, she tried to drag him with her,

The pistol went off barely missing her.


Off balance now, James fell, and hit his head,

No movement, no breath, he was dead.

Mae getting over her initial shock,

Heard the chiming of the grandfather clock.


Now it was much, much too late,

She could not accept her fate.

She owed the collectors way too much,

Time had passed, soon they would be coming up.


Her life had depended on Cassie’s wealth,

She had planned on killing James and keeping the money for herself.

Her plan had been to leave before they come,

Sell Cassie and run.


All that money would have been hers,

Just think of the diamonds, rubies, and furs.

Go way out west where she was an unknown,

No more poverty, and a home of her own.


Now old crazy Marge had even spoiled that,

The rest of her life would be in a dungeon full of rats.

Maybe not she thought as a plan ran through her mind,

If she could get to Cassie everything would be fine.


Jason was picking Marge up from the floor,

As Dustin held Cassie, Mae eased towards the door.

She had to do it, she had to escape,

For if the collectors came they would take her away.


She made it, she breathed a deep sigh,

For she wasn’t quite ready to die.

She didn’t know where she would go, or what she would do,

But somewhere somehow she would start new.


As she mounted her horse she smiled, then she laughed aloud,

Grandpa James and his golden cloud.

Yes, he still had the money, and he was all alone,

By the time the others discovered she would be long gone.


Grandpa James took a walk around two,

And she would get there soon.

He was an old man shouldn’t be too hard,

If she could just catch him alone in the yard.


 Grandpa James went for his usual walk,

“Damn I should have gone with them he thought.”

Even though he was old, he was capable,

Maybe no longer quick on his feet but his mind was still stable


Funny thing, he hadn’t realized how much he had changed,

When Cassie had come into his life he had felt so strange.

And now Dustin was back from the dead,

Then there was Marge, once again with a clear head.


He smiled as he thought of the new life he would lead,

The people he loved was all he would ever need.

Great Grandchildren, he thought in surprise,

But then he fell as something hit him between the eyes.


Mae emerged from behind an oak tree,

Looking so pleased.

The old fool shouldn’t wander around alone,

And especially so far away from home.


That was okay though it suited her just fine,

She was miles ahead of the others she had plenty of time.

As she bent over Grandpa James to pick his pockets,

He flicked a switch on his cane and tore her eye clean out of its socket.


“It will take more than that to knock me out,”

Grandpa James said with a shout.

Mae was screaming and crying with pain,

Mumbling incoherently, in fact, she was going insane.


Four men came through the forest trees,

Took one look at her, then decided to leave.

She wouldn’t last, it wasn’t worth their time,

They wouldn’t collect from a woman that was dying.


Wasn’t even worth selling to get their pay,

A half a million dollars down the drain.

They shook their heads the boss wasn’t going to like this,

But that was not their problem it was his.


Two days later they found Mae dead,

Shot herself, a bullet to the head.

Peace had come at long last,

And it was high time to bury the past.


Cassie and Dustin were married in June,

Under a million stars and the full of the moon,

Grandpa lived to see two great-grandchildren, twins at that,

The Tylers were reunited at last.


© Cynthia Clark

I read something the other day that went something like if you do not go to church regularly you lose your faith. Seriously? I am not sure where that idea came from. I have not been to church in months, but my faith is not gone. It is stronger than it ever has been. We go to church on Sunday and Wednesday. Do you lose your faith on the other days of the week?

You can reach people inside a church, but what of the ones that do not or cannot come. Those are the ones that need to be reached.

I read my bible every day. I have conversations with God multiple times during the day. He fills my mind while I work, when I am home, and yes when I study His word.

Most of Jesus’s teachings were on the road. He walked, he preached, He healed, he sat, and He ate with His followers. It did not matter what type of people they were. He reached so many people with no backpack, no supplies, nothing but His words.

If He were on earth today would He be in a church? Maybe for a while. Then He would take to the streets and reach the unreachable. His Megachurch was the land. The people. He reached more people than inside of a building. He preached

God’s word every day, not just on the Sabbath.
He sent His disciples on the road with nothing but the clothes on their back.

We have churches with locked doors. Back in the day, they left their doors unlocked or someone was always there. Think of the unwed mother that could not care for her child. She would lay it on the doorstep ring the bell and leave, knowing that child would be protected. What if the door was unlocked and no one was there? That child could be taken inside where it would be warm and a lot safer.

It is so cold outside, there is snow blowing, and he has nowhere to go. The wind is biting his ears. He is desperate for warmth. Just for a bit. Just a moment. He sees the church. He sits on the doorstop and cries as the tears freeze to his cheek. He cannot cross the threshold. So close. So close…but the door is locked

She messed up. Why did she mess her life up? She needs help. She needs hope. She needs a shoulder to cry on. A church should be a safe haven. She should be able to go to the alter and fall to her knees. She should be able to feel God comfort her. But the church doors are locked. Yes. She can be saved anywhere, but where better than God’s house. Where better than when she is filled with despair than having to wait until Sunday.

I have been there. Not quite that same situation but wishing for a safe haven. Just to be able to walk in all alone and feel His comforting presence.

Oh, wait. The door is locked. Someone might steal something. Someone might take a computer or something. Someone might destroy the carpet. Maybe they will write on something. Maybe. There are a lot of maybes and what if’s.

When did God worry about what if’s? That seems to be a lack of faith. That is God’s house correct? Which means everything in there belongs to Him? Not us. Not the church. God. Love. Helping people. Showing Him we love and care for everyone. Not just on Sundays but all the time.

If someone wants something, they will break a window or door to achieve their goal. What if someone does steal something? It is a material possession. Do you care more for material possessions than you do for people?

I am pretty sure that God will deal with someone that steals from Him. After all, everything we do is for Him. Turning people away is not love and love is what God is all about.

That is just my opinion and yes, I have a lot of faith. If I was over a church my doors would stay unlocked, for even if someone stole everything in there God always provides.